Exploring Our Scenic Waterways
This excursion is 5 days exploring the Flathead River flowing through Montana State Lands and the Flathead Indian Reservation, home to the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT). Adventurers will explore in kayaks over 30 miles of meandering river surrounded by breathtaking scenic views and ample opportunities for wildlife observation.
Day one adventurers participate in preparatory and skill-based instruction. Our Swift Water and Flood Rescue Certified adventure coordinators offer instructional sessions in basic kayak skills including paddling, reading and navigating water, water safety and rescue, and packing a kayak with correct weight distribution. Other lessons feature Leave No Trace, fire safety, as well as wildlife awareness and conflict prevention. Camp set up and tear down are exercised in a group setting, encouraging growth in teamwork and leadership skills. To ensure a sense of personal responsibility, kayakers will be in charge of packing, loading, and carrying their own gear each day. A representative of the CSKT will join us and share the history of the area during the first of four reflective campfire talks held over the course of the trip.
Day two we embark on our 30-mile journey filled with challenges and opportunities to build self-awareness, on and off the water. During the next few days campers will visit carefully selected historical sites along the river in order to observe and record evidence of human impact on our watersheds. This, in turn, heightens the camper’s awareness of a connection between the environment and their personal choices and actions.
***Camp opportunity is for 10 lucky winning applicants ages 12-15 at this time***